Solutions for Streamlining ICT and Enterprise Architecture

L'architecture d'entreprise

Business Enterprises or Organizations often start as small entities with small scoped business and revenue models. In the public sector, the entities often start with a small scoped service delivery model. Over time, however, the scope of these organizations grows as more products or services are added to the organization, or as the scope of operation grows. With time, what started as a simple enterprise ends up big and complex.

Dans le processus de croissance, les entreprises perdent souvent dans une certaine mesure leur cohérence interne. Leurs processus métier à travers les unités organisationnelles perdent un certain degré de cohérence opérationnelle et de fluidité dans leurs interactions. La duplication des ressources passe inaperçue car les unités organisationnelles individuelles fonctionnent avec un certain degré de détachement les unes des autres. Les inefficacités s'infiltrent et les personnalités internes et externes, qui interagissent avec des éléments de l'entreprise, commencent à subir une mauvaise prestation de services et une mauvaise expérience client (CX). Ceux-ci, entre autres, sont les symptômes d'une organisation qui devient incontrôlable et qui a besoin d'une révision de son architecture d'entreprise.

L'architecture d'entreprise décompose une organisation en ses éléments granulaires, rationalise ces éléments et harmonise leurs interactions les uns avec les autres. Une organisation qui subit une revue d'architecture d'entreprise est comme un moteur peu performant qui subit un entretien et un reconditionnement complets. L'organisation émerge du projet d'architecture d'entreprise comme une entité nouvellement repensée avec son objectif global clairement défini, et avec tous les composants ou facilitateurs requis par l'organisation pour atteindre son objectif global bien en place.

Cutting Edge Technologies Ltd provides Enterprise Architecture review and related services to organizations from both the private or commercial sector and the public sector, and from any industry. We leave your organization, irrespective of its size, clearly documented graphically for easy understanding, management and control. We ensure all the user journeys and experiences for all the internal and external persona becomes a pleasant experience.

Enterprise Architecture projects’ deliverables usually provide a snapshot of the organization as at the time of undertaking the Enterprise Architecture review. Enterprise Architecture projects usually involve the development and/or review of several organizational or enterprise sub-architectures, among them the:


  • Business Architecture
  • Informations Architectures
  • Technology Architecture
  • Infrastructure Architecture
  • Security Architecture

These architectures serve as the blueprints for their respective architectural domains. Collectively, these sub-architectures constitute the Enterprise Architecture.

An organization benefits from an Enterprise Architecture design or review because, among other benefits, it gets a clear insight into the state of health of its enterprise architecture. This is why it is a healthy business practice to undertake an enterprise architecture review at the same frequency at which Strategic Plans are prepared in order to ensure the entire organization remains well aligned internally and externally.


  • Business Process Engineering is a prerequisite for Enterprise Architecture. The primary Enterprise Architecture domain is the Business domain, for which we prepare the Business Architecture. Business Processes are part of the core components of Business Architecture.
  • Every organization has an external environment, which it has no much control over. Business Process Engineering or Re-engineering helps to bring alignment between an organization’s internal L'architecture d'entreprise and its external operating environment. Allow us to be your partners to help keep your Enterprise Architecture up-to-date.